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New Report: Blaze Trails CIC User Survey Report 2021

I was delighted to assist Blaze Trails with the production of this report which presents the findings from their 2021 user survey. It was a relatively small scale study but it is the first user survey they have undertaken as an organisation so was really important for them to start evidencing the amazing work that they do in communities up and down the country.

Whilst the benefits for mental and physical health of walking might seem obvious there are many challenges that (predominantly here) women face in getting out with their babies. This emerged in the survey and is something that Blaze Trails are considering. It is also something that I want to explore more in my own work. If you cannot get out on a walk then those benefits are out of reach. In my own work, I am interested specially in how urban spaces can become more accessible. 

The major take away from this report however is about connection. I was keen to draw out that this connection was more-than-human! It was about places and the environments we walk through. This was identified as essential for the parents and the children. This is something I will be developing more work on in the future!

Thank you to Katy and the Blaze Trails team for letting me work on this with you.
